Got three more animations posted on Youtube: What Happened to Charlie, Weird Zombie Thing, and Tornadoes Henderson (tornadoes is on a different channel because it was a contest).
I've won that contest, and got $300 (which lasted an hour), an interview on the Paul Dingeman show (local channel), and I've got an animation job with Michigan State Extended. So, lots going on right now, and I'm happy :D
Of course, however, I will still be contributing to sites such as YouTube, Newgrounds and Albino Black Sheep (whichever I feel like uploading to), but that's in the works right now, and that's for another day.
Here's the link to the Paul Dingeman Show interview. I'm the blonde one across from Paul:
And here's the link to my YouTube Channel:
Feel free to subscribe, and thank you for the support! :)